Left-wing political organizations and trade unions around the world provided a large amount of medical and food aid to the Republican side. This was accompanied by humanitarian support to both sides provided by national and international aid organisations.
Sweden. För Spanien, Stockholm 1938.
Amercian relief ship for Spain. USA, 1938.
American relief organisations raised some 125,000 dollars (about 2.3 million today) during the war (of which 98,000 was sent after costs). US trade unions raised a further 32,000. (570,000 today.)
American Relief Aid and the Spanish Civil War
"I gave so that Spanish children may live, USA, 1938" North American Committee to aid Spanish Democracy.
The North American Committee to aid Spanish Democracy was an umbrella organization for ethnic groups and trade unions set up to donate money, medical necessities and food to Spain
Historian Peter N. Carroll describes this organization as a "Popular Front organization that attracted Communists and Christians alike." Peter N. Carroll (1994).
The odyssey of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade: Americans in the Spanish Civil War .
"I gave to save a life in Spain." Medical Bureau to aid Spanish Democracy. USA, 1938.
Matchbox produced by Medical Bureau to aid Spanish Democracy. USA, 1938.
"I gave in Defence of Democracy in Spain. USA, 1938.
Corps Sanitaire Belge pour l'Espagne Republicaine. Sector Jeunesse.
Norwegian tin, probably containing herrings, sent as food aid to the Republic. Found in a Republican trench on the Segre front which fell in late 1938.
Aide pour l’Espagne Républicaine, France 1938.
Stamp produced in London to raise funds for campaign "Help the Basque Children".
Documents for member of Red Cross in Barcelona. 1937. The Red Cross was a recipient of international aid.
Petals and Bullets (2015) by Mark Derby, Story of New Zealand nurse Dorothy Morris in Spain and elsewhere.